Design Laptop Backpack 30 L Backpack

Design Laptop Backpack 30 L Backpack

5 customer reviews


  • Gender: Unisex
  • Age: Adult
  • Capacity: 21-30 liters
Sold by
5 out of 5
SKU: 1558691521496 Categories: Tags: Brand:

Product Description

This iconic pack gets a sharp design update for this season, making it more organised and comfortable than ever before.

An improved suspension and even more great features means it will keep your gear safe and tidy while you carry it in comfort all day long.


– The updated FlexVent.

 – Suspension system is designed for maximum comfort, featuring a flexible yoke built from custom injection-molded shoulder straps, an unbelievably comfortable, padded mesh back panel and a highly breathable lumbar panel for maximum breathability all day long.

– Dedicated, highly protective laptop compartment.

– Large main compartment for books and binders.

– Front compartment with internal organisation featuring an extra padded tablet sleeve, pen slots and additional secure-zip pockets.

– Reflective bike-light loop, water bottle tabs and shoulder-strap webbing create 360 degrees of reflectivity to make you more visible in low light.

– Two external mesh water bottle pockets can easily double as multi-use pockets with quick-draw smartphone access on one side.

– External, fleece-lined pocket for sunglasses, phone or keys.

– Extendable front stash pocket with daisy chains for added lash points.

– Comfortable, padded top handle.

– Sternum strap with whistle buckle.

– Removable waist belt.

– Women-specific version available.


– Average weight- 1125 g.

– Volume- 30 litres.

– Laptop sleeve dimensions- 29.2 cm x 45 cm.

– Fabric-420D nylon.

– Fabric – 5XB-210D Cordura® nylon ripstop.

5 reviews for Design Laptop Backpack 30 L Backpack

  1. admin

    Not as shown. Non-beautiful fabric material. spend a few days and the zipper is broken

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