Go PLUS Portable Bluetooth Speaker

Go PLUS Portable Bluetooth Speaker

5 customer reviews
Sold: 42


  • BL GO 2 with compact design
  • JBL GO 2 with Bluetooth 4.1 technology
  • Smart Led light informs battery status

Availability: 55 in stock


Availability: 55 in stock

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Frequently Bought Together

Price for both: $1,188.90

Product Description

Wireless Bluetooth Streaming:
– Enjoy JBL quality sound wirelessly via Bluetooth

Rechargeable Battery:
– Up to five hour playtime
Built-in Speakerphone:
– With noise and echo cancellation

Great Look and Feel:
– Simplicity of design in eight fun colors with integrated carry strap hook

Audio Cable Input:
– Allows you to play music with a wired connection

Device Compatibility:
– Bluetooth: Yes

General Specifications:
– Weight (kg): 130 g
– Bluetooth version: 4.1
– Support: A2DP V1.2, AVRCP V1.4, HFP V1.6, HSP V1.2Yes

Audio Specifications:
– Transducer: 1 x 40mm
– Output power: 3.0W
– Frequency response: 180Hz – 20kHz
– Signal-to-noise ratio: ≥80dB

– Dimensions (H x W x D): 68.3 x 82.7 x 30.8 (mm)
– Weight: 130g

– Battery typeLithium-ion polymer (3.7V, 600mAh)
– Battery charge time: 1.5 hours
– Music playing time: up to 5 hours (varies by volume level and audio content)

Whats in the box?:
– 1 JBL GO
– 1 Micro USB cable for charging
– 1 Quick-start Guide
– 1 Safety sheet

Discover Jbl Go Bluetooth in stock and at the best price. Visit xtremeinn, your online shop for extreme sports equipment and join all deals without leaving home. Secure payment and tracked shipping guaranteed! Order your Jbl Go Bluetooth now and complete your equipment. Enjoy your daily and sport activities to the fullest!

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 7.12 × 8.6 × 3.16 cm

5 reviews for Go PLUS Portable Bluetooth Speaker

  1. Boston Hayden

    Product quality is not good

  2. Abril Copeland

    Completely satisfied with the product quality

  3. admin

    good 🙂

  4. admin

    This theme is the best one themeforest, I have purchased countless of themes but abandoned them all a week afternoon this theme is released.
    Support is a top notch and deserve 6stars.
    If you don’t have this theme then you are missing out on what good work looks like.

  5. admin

    I’m not use to rate product but this time i would give my 5 stars to this theme. Price is very competitive and the theme is fully customizable. Support is excellent, answer during the day.
    Excellent guys keep good job and updates!

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Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure

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